Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Grandma's 65th Birthday 2-25-12

Grandma had a big party for her 65th birthday.  We ate lobster, crab, shrimp and fish, well I didn't but my mommy and daddy did.  I had my usual milk and oatmeal.  I did get to play with my cousin Emmie!

Grandparents with grand kids(missing Vivie & Ryan)

Daddy say I look like an angel here....

Will you be my Valentine's Day?

Guess who was my special Valentine's Day????

My mommy!!!!!
Don't we look alike????

Big Girl Stroller

Look at me..... I'm sitting in my big girl stroller!!!!  I'm sad to say good bye to my lovely bassinet stroller but so excited to be in the big girl stroller.  Now I can see the world from a different view.  I can't wait to go out in my stroller.  Look out world, here I come!!!!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Bath time part 3

Look how fast how I have grown.  I'm getting too big for my bath tub.  Before you know it, I will not need the newborn/infant baby netting.

Can I be the next Gerber baby????

What do you guys think?  Can I be the next Gerber baby????

I can kinda sit now..... :o)

Look at me... I'm a big girl now.  I can kinda sit on my own now.  Before you know it I will be crawling and walking too!

I see you over there!