Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

My little cutie

Sophia at 13 months:

Happy Halloween 2012

Sophia first time trick or treating with her cousins, Katie and Justin.  And she had a blast!!!! It was very difficult to get all 3 kids to smile and stay together.  The little monkey kept venturing off.

Starting from the left, Handyman Justin, Tinker Bell Katie and Sophia the monkey.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Great Park Pumpkin Harvest - 10/2/12

We met up with great friends and had a blast at the Great Park Pumpkin Harvest.  The kids had a blast on the carousel, maze, planting their first sprout and they even got to pick out their own pumpkin!

the drive to Great Park...        

She doesn't know there is a huge pumpkin head over her!
Daddy and me walking...
I can walk by myself daddy.
Mommy and me being silly!
Food was amazing!
I don't like waiting in line!
Three cuties in a wagon!
So many pumpkins to choose from...
Small is better!
Completely knocked out.....

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Sophia's 1st Birthday Party 8/10/12

Today is Sophia big day, she turns one! Mommy have been planning her special days for months and now the day have arrived. 

Aquarium of the Pacific 9/22/12

Sophia is so excited to see the many different fishes at the Aquarium of the Pacific.

She wasn't scared to pet the penguin.

She loved looking at the fishes swim.

She was scared of the king crab!  Daddy on the other hand was thinking this would be a great dinner!